Restaurant & Bar

The restaurant is located on the first floor of the hotel. Here we serve breakfast buffet, coffee and dinner. Many raw materials are specially produced from Lake Vänern and the areas around Mariestad. We who work at the hotel have a great interest in what nature has to offer, as we both fish, pich berries and mushrooms for our kithen. However, our good quality wines are further away and ate produced by the Tommasi family's farms in Italy. From them we also directly import Olive Oil and can offer you fine wines such as Amorone and Ripasso with more.

The kitchen is open Monday to Thursday primary for our hotel guests at 18:00-20:00. Thats when dinner is served. Coffe and home baked is served throughout the day. On Friday to Saturday we only accept group bookings. If you are not a hotel guest you are also welcome to eat breakfast at the hotel. Please make a booking before. You are also welcome to stop by and have a beer!

Breakfast Buffet

Our breakfast buffet is very popular. We serve a traditional breakfast with warm and cold dishes. Freshly baked bread, fruit and vegetables.


Vardagar 6.30-9.00

Helger 8.00-10.00

Önskas specialkost meddela oss gärna innan ankomst tack.

Coffee & home baked

Vi älskar att baka på bär och frukt vi plockar! Fröknäcke till dig som inte tycker om socker. Vill du ta med recept på våra bakverk så går det utmärkt!


Kommer du trött efter arbetsdagen kanske det är skönt att äta mat och snabbt få återhämta sig med sömnen?!

Middag bjuder vi på! 

Må- To kl 18-20

Menyn varierar.


Local beer from microbreweries in Mariestad and Östersundet by Torsö is popular. They are also available at the "Systembolget" next door if you want to buy some to take home. Mariestad's beer is given naturally! Soda water, hot and cold drinks, Whiskey, Wines, Calvados, Cognac etc. are available to enjoy together with our homemade potato chips in season.

Raw materials

Locally produced and small-scale suppliers from Mariestad, Torsö, Dillö and Brommö are our partners.


We are more than happy to accomodate you if you want to book a small group for a party or event. We plan the menu together based on our specialities.